Kepler thanks for bringing the Babylon history to the surface. JWs are
so gullible they cannot even imagine that a factual, coherent understanding of history
exists... just their own narrow viewpoint.
The painting of Alexander’s entry to Babylon by Charles Le Brun (from
which a copy was made for a grand tapestry) is a stonking example of Baroque
art, it focuses on the unbridled and worshipful homage to a classical leader
hero and by deliberate implication; to the “Sun King” Louis. No wonder Le Brun
became Louis XIV’s favourite painter. Baroque art in this painting is serving
the interests of total political power. (If you like paintings; look her up and enjoy being charmed by Le Brun’s great-great nephew’s wife Louise Vigee Le Brun).
Getting back to your main point; the JW trolley men ask, ”What does the
Bible really mean?” This question is loaded! It implies that the Bible has a
meaning but is a puzzle which requires explaining.
Put this in context: with what; thirty or forty thousand sects each claiming that their
particular interpretation is the only one which presses God’s button. What a
mess, what a disaster!
The Bible HAS NO MEANING! It was second hand to start with... Its eclectic
nature precludes it having a meaning since it is drawn from the established literature
of most of the significant powers of the Middle East where Israel was and ever
remained a pip-squeak tribal non-entity. It is full of nationalistic romance and
dreams and is far from factual... it contradicts is not divine.
The Bible has every semblance of pathetic human weaknesses such as
misogyny, hate, retribution, homophobia, xenophobia and an insistent streak of
masochism and it majors in genocide. Even psychopaths tend not to be so
comprehensive in their hate for their fellowmen compared to the leading
characters in the Bible and especially Jehovah!
But JWs don’t think for themselves. They don’t generally realise that
the most compelling Biblical commentary on the downfall of Babylon was written not
long before the Christian era in the book called Daniel.By using historical
precedents it made portentous prophecies written four centuries after the events had already occurred! Some prophecy! Like the destruction of Babylon, prophecy is a delusion and the Bible is a fraudulent.
This is the meaning of the Bible: A book written for the gullible who do
not think for themselves and who cannot live without a fantasy hope to maintain
their grip on life.